Kiranime Tools Are Not Showing or Blank

Encountering issues with Kiranime Tools not showing up after activating the theme? No worries, we've got you covered!

Here's a step-by-step guide to get things back on track:

1. Check Your Cache:

   - Examine your WordPress cache settings, including plugins, server, or CDN. Oftentimes, clearing the cache resolves the issue of Kiranime Tools not displaying properly.

   - Try using incognito mode to bypass browser cache issues (please note that this won't affect server or plugin cache).

2. Verify Your Activation:

   - If the first method doesn't solve the problem, consider deactivating and then reactivating the Kiranime theme. Sometimes, the activation key may not be configured correctly during activation, either in your browser or on your WordPress platform.

If none of the above methods prove effective, don't hesitate to reach out for assistance! Feel free to contact me via ticket or on Telegram @hadezuka. I'm here to help and ensure you get the most out of Kiranime. 😊