Create Scheduled Episode and Scheduled Widget

Introducing Kiranime's Scheduled Episode Widget: A Step-by-Step Guide


Kiranime boasts a powerful feature - the scheduled episode widget. This widget is tailored for managing scheduled "episode" post types effortlessly. This guide will walk you through the process of creating a scheduled episode to streamline your content release. To begin, ensure you have an anime post set up. To confirm this, navigate to the anime menu on the sidebar. If you find a list of animes displayed, you're all set to proceed.


Now, let's dive into the process:

  1. Create an episode post, either using the "New Episode" menu or the batch grabber tool.
  2. Fill in all the essential information for the episode.
  3. On the right side of the post-editing interface, locate the post status, date, and visibility options.
  4. In this section, click on the "Edit" button beside "Publish immediately," as depicted in the image below:

  5. Choose your desired publication date for the episode. Like so:

  6. Confirm your selections and hit "Schedule" to save your episode's schedule.


With these steps completed, you're all set!


Next, let's explore how to display the schedule widget:

  1. Access the widget editor by navigating to "Appearance" and then "Widgets."
  2. Add a widget using the block editor.
  3. Search for "Kiranime Scheduled Episode Module" and select it to add to the widget area.

  4. Edit the widget, focusing on customizing the title to your preference.


And just like that, you're done!


Addressing Common Questions About the Scheduled Widget:

Q: Why isn't my widget displaying the episode? 

A: First, verify that your episode is associated with an anime. Additionally, ensure the scheduled date is set accurately.

Q: I've confirmed the date and episode attachment, but the widget still won't display. 

A: If you're using a cache plugin or a page cache plugin, it's possible that caching is affecting the display (The widget uses JavaScript to load episodes, which shouldn't be an issue ).


Should you have further inquiries, don't hesitate to reach out through our ticket system. We're more than willing to assist with theme-related concerns, excluding server-related issues.